Shropshire Wellness Summit Summer Success

On Saturday 17th June the first Shropshire Wellness Summit was launched in Newport!

The event brought together key note speakers from across the UK and Shropshire to share their experiences of essential oils, tools to support their wellness and wellbeing and teach others about essential oils.

Topics covered included cleaning with essential oils (being able to reduce your toxic load into your body), using essential oils for emotional balance and support at times of grief, to bring peace, need to motivate & more, essential oils supporting or children’s health, sleep hygiene and focus at school.

There was also am inspirational talk by Jennie Varney who shared her journey from cancer diagnosis to “all clear”. All through the use of essential oils, raw food diet and light exercise. Having carried out the research herself, she created a regime which shrank her tumours and will only need to have a scan again in 12 months time, Want to know more – then please contact me and I can share her story and put you in contact for her personal oil usage regime.

Feedback from the event was positive. With people saying they would come to the next one and bring a friend as well. Feedback included:

“Loved the presentations” “Overall though it was fun, friendly and informative.”

The next event will be Saturday 7th October 2017 venue in Shropshire tba


for information on tickets check out the eventbrite link –



Any questions please do ask me!